UNESCO联合国教育科学及文化组织(联合国教科文组织)的简称。 联合国教育、科学及文化组织 (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -- UNESCO) 属联合国专门机构,简称联合国教科文组织。1946年11月正式成立,同年12月成为联合国的一个专门机构。总部设在法国巴黎。其宗旨是通过教育、科学和文化促进各国间合作,对和平和安全作出贡献。联合国教科文组织是各国政府间讨论关于教育、科学和文化问题的国际组织,其主要机构有大会、执行局和秘书处。大会为该组织最高权力机构,每两年开会一次,决定该组织的政策、计划和预算。
执行局为大会闭幕期间的管理和监督机构;秘书处负责执行日常工作,由执行局建议,经大会任命总干事领导秘书处的工作。 截至2001年10月,联合国教科文组织有成员国188个。主要出版物有《教科文组织信使》(月刊),中、英、法、西、阿、俄等27种文本;《教育展望》(季刊),中、英、法、阿、西、俄文;《科学与社会的影响》(季刊),英、法、西、俄、阿文;《自然与资源》(季刊),英、法、西文;《国际社会科学杂志》(季刊),中英、法、阿、西、俄文;《版权公报》(季刊),中、英、法、西、俄文;《博物馆》(季刊),中、英、法、西文。 中国是联合国教科文组织创始国之一。1971年恢复合法地位。1972年恢复在该组织的活动。1979年2月,中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会正式成立。1997年11月4日,中国继续当选为执行局委员。中国自1972年10月恢复在该组织的活动,首次出席大会即当选为执行局委员,此后中国一直连任这一职务。
联合国教育、科学及文化组织 (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -- UNESCO) 属联合国专门机构,简称联合国教科文组织。1946年11月正式成立,同年12月成为联合国的一个专门机构。总部设在法国巴黎。其宗旨是通过教育、科学和文化促进各国间合作,对和平和安全作出贡献。 联合国教科文组织是各国政府间讨论关于教育、科学和文化问题的国际组织,其主要机构有大会、执行局和秘书处。大会为该组织最高权力机构,每两年开会一次,决定该组织的政策、计划和预算。执行局为大会闭幕期间的管理和监督机构;秘书处负责执行日常工作,由执行局建议,经大会任命总干事领导秘书处的工作。 截至2001年10月,联合国教科文组织有成员国188个。 主要出版物有《教科文组织信使》(月刊),中、英、法、西、阿、俄等27种文本;《教育展望》(季刊),中、英、法、阿、西、俄文;《科学与社会的影响》(季刊),英、法、西、俄、阿文;《自然与资源》(季刊),英、法、西文;《国际社会科学杂志》(季刊),中英、法、阿、西、俄文;《版权公报》(季刊),中、英、法、西、俄文;《博物馆》(季刊),中、英、法、西文。 中国是联合国教科文组织创始国之一。1971年恢复合法地位。1972年恢复在该组织的活动。1979年2月,中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会正式成立。1997年11月4日,中国继续当选为执行局委员。中国自1972年10月恢复在该组织的活动,首次出席大会即当选为执行局委员,此后中国一直连任这一职务。 联合国教科文组织详细介绍 一、联合国教科文组织的宗旨和职责 教科文组织的全称为:联合国教育、科学及文化组织。1945年11月在英国伦敦会议上通过了教科文组织的组织法,1946年11月4日正式生效,当时已有20个国家交存了接受书。同年12月成为联合国专门机构。目前有成员188个国家和地区(截止2002年)。总部设在巴黎。 教科文组织宗旨是:通过教育、科学及文化来促进各国之间的合作,以增进对正义、法治及联合国宪章所确认的世界人民不分种族、性别、语言、宗教均享有人权与自由的普遍尊重,对世界和平与安全作出贡献。 教科文组织五大职能: 01、前瞻性研究:明天的世界需要什么样的教育、科学、文化和传播。 02、知识的发展、传播与交流:主要依靠研究、培训和教学。 03、制订准则:起草和通过国际文件和法律建议。 04、知识和技术:以“技术合作”的形式提供给会员国制订发展政策和发展计划。 05、专门化信息的交流。 二、联合国教科文组织组织机构及运作 [一]组织机构由三个部分组成: 01、大 会:由全体会员国组成,是教科文组织的最高权力机构。一般每两年召开一次。教科文组织的计划与预算,按一国一票的原则,由大会投票通过。 02、执行局:由58个会员国的代表组成,是一个行政机构,为召开大会作准备,并负责大会决议的有效实施。一般每年开会两次。 03、秘书处:是教科文组织的执行机构,全体工作人员在当选后,在任期六年的总干事的领导下,实施会员国大会通过的计划。 [二]基本情况: 01、秘书处由1514名国际公务员、专业人员和一般事物人员组成,近 645人在本组织位于世界各地的73个总部外办事处任职。 02、189个会员国已成立全国委员会,由教育、科学和文化等各界代表组成。 03、588个非政府组织与教科文组织保持“正式”关系,约 1200个非政府组织与本组织开展不定期的合作。 04、5700所联系学校帮助年轻人树立宽容和加强国际了解的思想。这是一个国际间项目(ASP net) 1953年由联合国教科文组织创办。其宗旨是动员全世界各学校加强教育在促进和平文化、忍让和国家间理解中的作用。 05、6670个教科文组织俱乐部、协会和中心在基层宣传教科文组织的理想和行动。 06、173个会员国在巴黎设有驻本组织的常驻代表团。 联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会 联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会是政府间组织,由21个成员国组成,负责《世界遗产公约》的实施。每年召开一次会议,主要决定哪些遗产可以录入《世界遗产名录》,对已列入名录的世界遗产的保护工作进行监督指导。委员会内由七名成员构成世界遗产委员会主席团,主席团每年举行两次会议,筹备委员会的工作。 世界遗产委员会承担四项主要任务: 1、在挑选录入《世界遗产名录》的文化和自然遗产地时,负责对世界遗产的定义进行解释。在完成这项任务时,该委员会得到国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)和国际自然资源保护联盟(IUCN)的帮助;这两个组织仔细审查各缔约国对世界遗产的提名,并针对每一项提名写出评估报告。国际文物保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)也对该委员会提出建议(例如文化遗产方面的培训和文物保护技术的建议)。 2、审查世界遗产保护状况报告。当遗产得不到恰当的处理和保护时,该委员会让缔约国采取特别性保护措施。 3、经过与有关缔约国协商,该委员会作出决定把濒危遗产列入《濒危世界遗产名录》。 4、管理世界遗产基金。对为保护遗产而申请援助的国家给予技术和财力援助。 联合国教科文世界遗产委员会会议 止2002年,在全球范围内,共有175个国家或地区加入《世界遗产公约》,成为缔约国,是目前加入缔约国最多的《公约》之一。 止2003年,共有128个国家中有世界遗产754处,其中文化遗产582处,自然遗产149处,文化与自然双重遗产23处。中国政府于1985年加入《公约》,至今已有29处,在世界排名第三(第一为西班牙,第二为意大利),是名副其实的遗产大国。 世界遗产委员会每年召开一次,最近几次会议分别在:意大利那不勒斯[21届/1997年]、日本京都[22届/1998年]、摩洛哥拉巴特[23届/1999年]、澳大利亚凯恩斯[24届/2000年]、芬兰赫尔辛基[25届/2001年]、匈牙利布达佩斯[26届/2002年]、法国巴黎[27届/2003年]。 联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心 联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心,由联合国教科文组织设置,又称为“公约执行秘书处”。该中心协助缔约国具体执行《世界遗产公约》,对世界遗产委员会提出建议,执行世界遗产委员会的决定。
UNESCO是什么意思?UNESCO是“United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization”的缩写。联合国教育科学文化组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,简称UNESCO)是联合国下属的一个专门机构,成立于1945年。它的使命是在全球范围内促进教育、科学、文化和传媒的合作和发展。
1. 确定共同目标:签约仪式为各方提供了一个共同的平台,以明确并确认他们的共同目标和价值观。这可以促进各方之间的合作和协作,共同努力实现这些目标。
2. 保护和传承遗产:签约仪式可以确保各方对于保护、维护和传承世界文化和自然遗产的责任得到明确和承认。这可以促使各方采取行动,保护和传承这些珍贵的遗产,以确保其可持续发展和传承给后代。
3. 法律约束力:签约仪式通常涉及签署国际公约、协议或备忘录,这些文件具有法律约束力。各方通过签署这些文件,承诺遵守相关的规定和条款,并履行相应的义务。这有助于确保各方的行为在法律框架下进行,促进合作和协调。
4. 国际合作和交流:签约仪式提供了一个国际合作和交流的平台。各方可以在这个平台上分享经验、交流意见,并寻求合作伙伴。这有助于促进不同国家和地区之间的相互理解、友谊和合作,共同推动文化和自然遗产的保护和传承工作。
united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization
联合国教育、科学及文化组织 (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -- UNESCO) 属联合国专门机构,简称联合国教科文组织。1946年11月正式成立,同年12月成为联合国的一个专门机构。总部设在法国巴黎。其宗旨是通过教育、科学和文化促进各国间合作,对和平和安全作出贡献。联合国教科文组织是各国政府间讨论关于教育、科学和文化问题的国际组织,其主要机构有大会、执行局和秘书处。大会为该组织最高权力机构,每两年开会一次,决定该组织的政策、计划和预算。执行局为大会闭幕期间的管理和监督机构;秘书处负责执行日常工作,由执行局建议,经大会任命总干事领导秘书处的工作。 截至2001年10月,联合国教科文组织有成员国188个。主要出版物有《教科文组织信使》(月刊),中、英、法、西、阿、俄等27种文本;《教育展望》(季刊),中、英、法、阿、西、俄文;《科学与社会的影响》(季刊),英、法、西、俄、阿文;《自然与资源》(季刊),英、法、西文;《国际社会科学杂志》(季刊),中英、法、阿、西、俄文;《版权公报》(季刊),中、英、法、西、俄文;《博物馆》(季刊),中、英、法、西文。
Higher education plays a vital role in shaping individuals' intellectual, personal, and professional development. As societies evolve, the demand for higher education becomes increasingly significant. According to UNESCO, higher education encompasses a wide range of post-secondary educational programs that lead to the granting of academic degrees, diplomas, or certificates.
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, defines higher education as "all types of studies, training or training for research at the post-secondary level, provided by universities or other educational institutions that are approved as institutions of tertiary education." It includes both traditional universities and specialized institutions that offer specialized programs related to arts, sciences, technology, and other academic disciplines.
Higher education is characterized by several key aspects:
The importance of higher education cannot be overstated. It equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to succeed in their chosen fields. Higher education fosters critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a broad understanding of the world.
Furthermore, higher education contributes to personal growth and development, enables social mobility, and enhances economic prosperity. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions, adapt to change, and contribute meaningfully to society.
In conclusion, higher education, as defined by UNESCO, encompasses a broad range of post-secondary educational programs provided by universities and other approved institutions. Its key aspects include academic freedom, diverse curricula, research and innovation, quality assurance, internationalization, and social engagement. The importance of higher education lies in its ability to shape individuals, drive societal progress, and contribute to personal and economic development.
Thank you for reading this article! We hope it provided you with a better understanding of the definition and significance of higher education.
Educational institutions play a fundamental role in shaping societies, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for personal growth and societal development. In this context, UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, emerges as a key player in promoting and advancing education worldwide. This article explores the crucial importance of UNESCO in the field of education, its accomplishments, and its ongoing efforts to ensure quality and inclusive education for all.
Established in 1945, UNESCO's mandate includes fostering peace, eradicating poverty, promoting sustainable development, and building intercultural understanding through various sectors, including education. UNESCO firmly believes that education is a fundamental human right and an essential tool for achieving sustainable development.
One of UNESCO's primary goals is to ensure that education is accessible to all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background, gender, or physical abilities. UNESCO actively promotes inclusive education by advocating for equal opportunities, removing barriers to education, and supporting countries in strengthening their education systems.
Quality education is vital for fostering a knowledgeable and skilled society. UNESCO strives to improve the quality of education by developing international educational standards, promoting innovative teaching methods, and supporting teacher training programs. UNESCO also works towards reducing disparities in education outcomes, ensuring that all learners have access to high-quality education.
UNESCO recognizes the importance of preserving and promoting cultural heritage. By integrating cultural education into school curricula, UNESCO aims to foster respect for diversity and promote cultural understanding among students. Through initiatives such as World Heritage Sites and the Intangible Cultural Heritage List, UNESCO safeguards cultural treasures for future generations.
UNESCO serves as a platform for international collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field of education. It provides a forum for countries to share best practices, exchange experiences, and collaborate on educational projects. UNESCO's global networks and partnerships enable the sharing of expertise and resources to address common educational challenges.
Through its initiatives and programs, UNESCO has made significant contributions to improving education globally. From promoting education for sustainable development to advancing digital literacy, UNESCO continues to address emerging educational needs and challenges. Looking to the future, UNESCO aims to enhance the quality and relevance of education, strengthen lifelong learning opportunities, and foster global citizenship education.
In conclusion, UNESCO plays a vital role in advancing education worldwide. Its commitment to promoting accessible, quality education and protecting cultural heritage has a profound impact on individuals, societies, and global development. By working towards inclusive and equitable education for all, UNESCO contributes to building a more peaceful and sustainable world.
Education is a fundamental aspect of human development and societal progress. It plays a crucial role in shaping individuals, societies, and the world at large. To ensure a common understanding of education and to promote its importance globally, UNESCO has established a comprehensive definition of education.
As per UNESCO, education is a lifelong process that encompasses the knowledge, skills, and values acquired through formal, non-formal, and informal learning. It empowers individuals to contribute to their personal development and the development of their communities and societies.
UNESCO recognizes that education is not limited to traditional classroom settings. It extends beyond the boundaries of schools and universities, embracing various learning opportunities that occur throughout one's life. This recognition acknowledges the diverse ways in which individuals acquire knowledge, skills, and values.
Formal education: This refers to the structured and systematic learning that takes place in educational institutions, such as primary, secondary, and tertiary schools. Formal education lays the foundation for acquiring essential knowledge and skills in various subject areas.
Non-formal education: This includes organized educational activities that occur outside the formal system, such as vocational training programs, adult education courses, and community-based learning initiatives. Non-formal education caters to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, providing them with practical skills and knowledge.
Informal education: Informal education refers to the learning that happens naturally, often unintentionally, through daily life experiences. It can include activities like reading books, watching educational videos, engaging in discussions with peers, and learning from elders. Informal education complements formal and non-formal education by fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.
The overarching goals of education, as defined by UNESCO, are to foster peace, sustainable development, social cohesion, and personal fulfillment. Education equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become active and responsible global citizens.
Quality education has numerous benefits for individuals and societies. It helps eradicate poverty, reduce inequality, and promote gender equality. Education enhances employability and economic growth by equipping individuals with relevant skills for the job market. Moreover, education contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage, encourages social integration, and empowers individuals to participate in democratic processes.
While education holds immense potential, there are several challenges to ensure its accessibility and quality for all. These challenges include limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, gender disparities, discrimination, and conflicts affecting educational systems globally.
UNESCO plays a pivotal role in addressing these challenges and facilitating international cooperation in the field of education. It promotes inclusive and equitable education policies, supports teacher training and professional development, and advocates for the right to education for all.
In conclusion, education, as defined by UNESCO, is a lifelong and multifaceted process that encompasses formal, non-formal, and informal learning. It is essential for personal, social, and economic development, and UNESCO strives to promote global access to quality education. By understanding UNESCO's definition of education, we can appreciate its significance and work towards creating a better-educated world.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of UNESCO's definition of education and its significance. By recognizing the diverse forms of education and the goals it seeks to achieve, we can make informed decisions and contribute to the improvement of educational systems worldwide.